Jungla Maya Trash the Dress
Katie + André
“André and I got to share some amazingly intimate moments together – and they were captured on camera!! Amazing! Sometimes, I just cannot express in to words how I feel and what I am thinking – so these pictures mean a lot!” – Katie
Every single event, wedding trash the dress or any kind of session or experience we always look for what is unique and different for the people involved. We alway strive to go the extra mile and exceed expectations, as well as add a bit of special pixie dust – just for you. With André working as a Hollywood stuntman we knew that he would probably be pretty darn good at the whole trash the dress experience. His special request for a rappel let us to reach out to our amazing friends at Altournative. They invited us to their amazing Jungla Maya Native Park which not only has an amazing rappel, it also gifted us the most amazing light for Katie and André’s Adam and Eve photos.
We always say that a trash the dress makes you feel like a movie star. People around you, creating smoke, light and anything else needed to get the epic shots we need. For André this is all just another day at the office! Katie though told us since the get go that she was reserved, did not consider herself creative and had never been a fan of posed photos. (Though she went on to say that her TTD was the first time she could honestly say she was looking forward to having her pictures taken!) She went on to tell us: “I am really hoping this experience with you will really push me outside of my comfort zone!”
WELL, we can certify that Katie stepped up 100%. Her words and testimonials about her trash the dress experience mean the world to us. She trusted us and did step out of her comfort zone, let herself enjoy the experience to the full. In doing so she gave us the honor to capture a glimpse of her and André’s relationship :)
Del Sol: Why did you decide to do a TTD – did you family and friends think you were crazy?
André: “Coming from an artistic background and being involved in the film industry, I wanted something unique and original. Something that is different from all the traditional wedding photography. After looking for ideas online, I came across the TTD style of photography which really appealed to me. We didn’t tell our friends and family that we were doing this kind of photography as we want to surprise them with the awesome variety.”
“We shared one picture of us underwater and the response has been phenomenal – some quite in disbelief that we actually went underwater!” – André
Katie: “I had never actually even heard of TTD until André mentioned he wanted to do it. Once he showed me some pictures, I thought it was really cool.”
“I must admit – I was really hesitant taking a dress I bought at a high price, I only wore once – into water…. André “rationalized” with me by asking “When do you ever expect to wear it again? Why not make some wicked amazing pictures and memories?!”
“So that is what we did. Our family and friends still have such a hard time believing we actually wore our suit and dress in the water…..”
Del Sol: How was your trash the dress experience?
André: “My experience was fantastic! To me it felt like another day on a movie set; except, this time I got to enjoy and share the experience with my wife which was really awesome! I had a pretty good idea of what to expect, something challenging but rewarding.”
“I dreamed of having creative artistic pictures of us hanging in our living room, now I can say we have quite the portfolio!’ – André
Katie: “The trash the dress experience was really unique. I do not regret it at all! I’m really happy I put up with the cold water (…well, for as long as I could) so we got some super amazing pictures and memories!”
“I cannot say it was what I imagined, as I really had no idea what it would be like. It was a lot more fun than I had expected it to be :) it wasn’t hard at all. That is actually a question people ask us a lot. How did you take such a perfect picture under water, you are looking at each other, your eyes are open, his hat isn’t floating off of his head, your hair is not all over your face?!”
“Our trash the dress was such a cool experience! I would recommend everyone try it at least once in their lifetime.” – Katie
Del Sol: What was the most memorable part of the day?
André: “The most memorable part of the day was to see the cenotes. Not only see them but to capture some awesome photography with my wife in the cenotes. Going underwater in our wedding attire was also a memorable moment as it was my first time doing this.”
Katie: “Hmmmm, I am not really sure to be honest. The entire day as a whole was an amazing memory that is going to last a lifetime.”
“I do want to say, André and I got to share some amazingly intimate moments together – and they were captured on camera!! Amazing! Sometimes, I just cannot express in to words how I feel and what I am thinking – so these pictures mean a lot!”

Del Sol: You guys included some “Adam and Eve” style photos in your session. Talk to us about how you felt stripping off in the jungle!
André: “To be honest, I was all about doing some awesome regular action shots. It’s true that I really appreciate the artistic side of the “Adam and Eve” style of photography but I never pictured me doing this. Katie had mentioned she would like to explore that avenue. This is where I stepped out of my comfort zone.”
“Such an amazing feeling. So free! At first, I was extremely hesitant. However, once we were there and it was really happening, when we were told “it’s time for the sexxy pictures” the hesitation and fear vanished!” – Katie
Del Sol: How was your experience with the Del Sol Team?
André: “Polly was great! She’s very friendly, outgoing and caring. When we first met, we weren’t feeling too good and our stomachs were aching. Polly made a phone call and had the driver stop at the pharmacy to pick up some stuff for us to feel better. Which totally helped!”
“The Del Sol crew was very welcoming and helpful at making us to be at ease. They were very professional and took safety very seriously by having a dedicated person to stand-by underwater in case help was needed to resurface.”
Katie: “Polly is amazing! She is the most wonderful person! She really goes out of her way to get to know you (even if you are 2 Countries away) and really knows how to put a nervous and hesitant person at ease! Thank – you Polly!”
Del Sol: What would be your advice for other couples considering a TTD?
André: “DO IT! Sure, it might be intimidating for some at first, but the team is very professional and they will guide you every step of the way. The satisfaction, pride and accomplishment you will feel after doing a Trash The Dress photo session like that will be unbeatable. The pictures will be absolutely breathtaking and the feedback you’ll receive from your friends and family will also give you a confidence boost! ;)”
“Do not give up and say no because you are afraid or nervous! Just do it! Del Sol has the team of people in place to erase any possible danger that you may fear of happening. Not to worry – just do it! You will not regret the memories, photos, video or EXPERIENCE!!”- Katie
Principal Photographer: Polly
Special super star appearance by Sol Tamargo