Tag Archive for: Awards

Hands on: Canon EOS R6 Mirrorless Camera Review for Canon Mexico
Accolades, Boudoir, Cenote Only, Featured, Individuals, Main, Photographers, Portraits, Projects, Trash The Dress, Video Cenote Sol Tamargo
Wedding Photography Awards – ISPWP Fall 2014
Accolades, Main Del Sol Associate, MartinaThe wedding photography awards of the ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers) were just announced and we are honored to have our photographers recognized by this esteemed organization once again. The ISPWP is an international…

Wedding Photography Awards – ISPWP Summer 2014
Accolades, Other, Photographers Del Sol Associate, Sol TamargoIt is always an honor to receive the accolades of your peers and we are excited to share with you these award-winning photos from the wedding photography awards of ISPWP! The ISPWP (International Society of Professional Wedding Photographers)…

Wedding Photography Awards – Sol
Accolades, Main, Other, Photographers Sol TamargoWedding photography awards, it is always an honor to be recognized for our artistic endeavours and more so when it's from international organizations of our peers in the industry. We are delighted to present to you a selection of the award-winning…

Wedding Photography Awards – Matt
Accolades, Photographers Matt AdcockIt is always an honor to receive wedding photography awards and we are pleased to share with you some of Matt Adcock's award-winning images. The ISPWP (International Society of Wedding Photographers) is an organization of the world's top wedding…