Scuba Diving the Revillagigedo Islands

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  • Sunrise Diving live-aboard Revillagigedo Islands Cabo Pulmo
  • #Aworldofitsown split shot Socorro Diving live-aboard Revillagigedo Islands Cabo Pulmo Mexico
  • giant manta Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands Cabo Pulmo
  • White tip shark swimming away over reef Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • giant mantas divers cameras photographers, Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands #Aworldofitsown
  • #aworldofitsown Giant manta Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands Mexico
  • dolphin swimming up orange Clarion Angelfish Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands #Aworldofitsown
  • dolphin diver silhouettes Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • dolphin diver silhouettes Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands #Aworldofitsown
  • white tip reef sharks lying sleeping Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • white tip reef sharks lying sleeping with diver posing, Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • diver and giant mantas Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • white tip reef sharks swimming Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • divers scuba tanks Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • snorkeler filming dolphin GoPro surface Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • fish silhouettes under rough waves water surface Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • #Aworldofitsown Revillagigedo Islands black white monochrome diver school fish Diving live-aboard Socorro
  • two Silky sharks swimming surface Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • sunset Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands #aworldofitsown
  • diver silhouette and butterfly fish Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • mexican hogfish red fish Silky shark Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark swimming over sand Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark head fishing hook mouth conservation Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • white tip reef sharks lying rocks Panamic soldierfish Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • freen moray head gaping Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands
  • Silky shark underneath dive boat dinghy Diving live-aboard Socorro Revillagigedo Islands

In the Summer of 2016, the UNESCO declared the Archipiélago de Revillagigedo #Aworldofitsown, a world heritage site in Mexico

Texto en español abajo

Living a life close to Nature is the best thing that could ever happen to me. The more I immerse myself in nature, my conscious about the planet and the connection we all share with Mother Earth grows… as does my inspiration for taking photos and sharing the magic that I see.

This trip was extraordinary, the experience involved being on a ‘live aboard’ dive boat for a week, diving three times a day in the infinite blue ocean. Every day was so amazing, I feel photos hardly do justice to the beauty beneath the sea.

The location was the Revillagigedo Islands. You get there by boat, it’s about 30 hrs from Cabo San Lucas. First night getting there was fun! The waves were so huge the boat was rocking from side to side and I was rolling around in my bed: sleeping was interesting! I felt like I was in my mother’s womb, surrounded by water, cozy and moving.

With the first rays of sun we start to get excited, I’m up to take photos and hardly can’t wait to get there.  A couple of hours after sunrise we arrive to our destination: the Socorro Islands. We had a briefing from the Dive Master in charge of the group and then off we go to the water!!!

The first dive location was surreal: imagine an underwater mountain, the dive was a tour around it. The currents are super strong, and forget about seeing the bottom, is all blue ocean in every direction.

As soon as we started our descent a magnificent giant manta shows up! OMG there are 6 or more… all of them gracefully dancing around us. Some of them come close above us enjoying the feeling of the bubbles in their tummies. I can see straight in their gentle eyes, my heart is beating so fast with love and emotion, this is surreal, I am here.

The group is diving to go around the rock, so I follow. I had stayed behind as I was taking photos when a super strong current caught me and spin me around hitting me against the rock… ouch! After confirming I can still breath and my camera is ok I continue!

The amazing spectacle goes on, next is dolphins! Can you imagine my excitement! The Dive Master had warned us that they are playful and many times they tempt divers deeper than you should be, so pay attention. I have a dive buddy with me and we were both enchanted, playing with the dolphins. We are deep… deeper than I ever been… Though I don’t want to leave he pulls me, I have to go up.

This is only the “first day”! I could write forever!!!

We saw sharks, many kinds. The more I see sharks the more I feel sad about the bad image they have in  the media. Many had broken fins, one even had a fishing hook in his mouth. They are shy, or if we come close they just swim by… gently and beautifully.

Underwater we could also hear the whales singing!! And we saw them on the surface,Pacific OMG… OMG… I can hardly contain all the emotions in my body! We tried to see the whales underwater, spent hours on a dinghy locating them, seeing them breach then disappearing into the deep ocean.

The whole week went by fast, amazing, experience… I leave you to these images to see the magic yourself…

See more underwater fun including great white sharks and whale sharks right HERE


Vivir conectada con la Naturaleza es lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida. Entre mas paso tiempo en ella, mas me conecto, y crece mi consciencia en cuanto a lo delicada que es y la importancia de preservarla. Ademas me siento mucho mas inspirada, hago mejores fotos y con muchos deseos de compartir la magia que veo con el mundo.

Este ha sido uno de los mejores viajes de mi vida. Fue una experiencia maravillosa, vivi en un barco por una semana, buceando mínimo tres veces al día en uno de los lugares mas incredibles del planeta.

Ubicación: Archipiélago Revillagigedo (Islas Socorro). Se llega hasta ahi en el barco, saliendo de Cabo San Lucas son aprox 30 horas. La primera noche fue muy divertida, imagínense: en alta mar, con las olas moviendo el barco de un lado para otro, y uno rodando en la cama :) Me sentí como en el vientre materno, calientita, rodeada de agua, en movimiento.

Sale el Sol y subo a cubierta, se ve hermoso!! Aun estamos en alta mar, en aprox dos horas mas llegamos a la primer isla, y después de la reunion con el dive master, todos estamos muy emocionados por entrar al agua.

Imagínense ver una montaña bajo el agua, no muy ancha, el primer buceo consistira en darle la vuelta. Sin embargo el espectáculo comienza en cuanto empezamos a descender… Llegan las Mantas Gigantes!! Y se quedan con nosotros dando vueltas, parecen como bailarinas, ondeando sus faldotas negras con una gracia y elegancia sin par, son bellísimas!! Se acercan pues les gusta sentir las burbujas que expedimos con el tanque al respirar, veo sus ojos, una nobleza que hace se me hinche el corazón de amor!!! Que belleza!!! #Aworldofitsown

El grupo sigue descendiendo y avanzando, ya muy cerca del borde de la montaña submarina me agarra una corriente y me golpea contra las piedras, después de verificar todas mis mangueras están ok, sigo respirando y mi camara esta intacta, sigo pataleando con la emoción de que sigue…

Delfines… el Dive Master nos advirtió en el barco que los traviesos delfines “sigilosamente” te arrastran hacia abajo sin darte cuenta, pues ahi voy… totalmente hipnotizada con su belleza.  Estoy jugando con un delfin, no lo puedo creer! Doy una vuelta… el da una vuelta… es tan lindo!!! Pero siento un jaloncito… afortunadamente mi “Dive buddy” (compañero de buceo) me avisa estamos mas profundo de lo que debemos por seguridad, y hay que subir.. así que aunque no quiero, digo adios a los delfines.

Continua el recorrido y ahora salen tiburones, hermosos!!! Algunos lastimados o con anzuelos en la boca… es tan triste. Los tiburones nadan tímidamente o se alejan en cuanto nos ven. Son criaturas poderosas y llenas de gentileza.

Podría escribir por horas y jamas hacer justicia a la belleza del lugar, entonces mejor los dejo que estas imágenes espero que les cause emoción ver estas criaturas que comparten planeta con nosotros..

Para mas de nuestras aventuras sub acuáticas con tiburones blancos y tiburones ballena haz click AQUI

Revillagigedo #Aworldofitsown – Mexico Photos and words by Sol Tamargo