Davante and I have been through hell and high water — he was there when my dad unexpectedly passed away—had a serious pregnancy complication, through lost jobs and a journey to wellness together – Sarah
Our Mayan wedding cenote ceremony includes FIRE and WATER as essential elements.
I also see “Davante and I have been through hell and high water” as an interesting reference to the cenotes and the ceremonies we have designed… Based on the “Mayan Cosmovision” there is a “House of the water and fire”
Chikin | Guardian of the West, The House of the Water
Water represents our emotions. It’s about recognizing the cyclical nature of life, its transformation and constant flow. “Feelings” are refined in the presence of the Spirit, allowing us to flow free and light as clouds. We received a spiritual initiation from our “Grandmother Water” based on surrender. Releasing the past through the conscious exercise of generous and bountiful love.
Labkin | Guardian of the East, The House of the Fire
The Mayan ceremony is not a religious ceremony, however it begins by recognizing that everything has a Soul or Divine Purpose. We ask permission from the Light, to witness and protect from all the energies in time and space while we establish the intention of the ceremony.