Del Sol: Summer – did you suspect that Shawn was planning to propose to you in Playa del Carmen?
“The entire week before we left I kept telling everyone he was acting different, saying and doing things he doesn’t normally say/do. He likes to say he was being “mean” to me, but that was the complete opposite of what he was doing. They told me he was probably nostalgic because we hadn’t traveled together since 2015… my parents played it off really well the day of too, and I don’t doubt my parents when they are serious about things. After he told me he planned a photo shoot and to be ready by 3 pm, I instantly turned to my parents when he walked away to ask them if he was proposing, they quickly got “defensive” (fake obviously) and said “he better not be because he hasn’t asked us anything!” – Summer
“The only time I started to have suspicion was literally the second Polly told him to step behind me and she was giving me the “eyes”… and then said, “Summer why haven’t you turned around yet?” I didn’t want to get my hopes up! But it was then that I knew my dreams had come true!” – Summer

Del Sol: Summer was OBVIOUSLY really blown away! She said forever!
“Every time I talk about it I say I blacked out… I had to ask him after the fact to repeat what he said because I had no clue.”
“The only thing I remember was crying, saying – is this real life? – I asked if this was really happening, and then I said “forever.” ” – Summer
“Shawn told me he had to tell me at one point “Babe I need you to focus” LOL, I was an emotional mess. Outside of that though I was in disbelief… everything I had ever dreamed of was happening right before my eyes and I still couldn’t believe it.”
“It was more then I could’ve ever imagined… the whole experience absolutely took my breath away, still mind blown too this day.”

Del Sol: The cenotes are a magical place and you guys were blessed with epic light. What did you think about the cenote environment?
“Every bit of the cenote’s magic added to the experience. From the background story that was given to the smells and clarity of the incense burning… I found myself so wrapped up in everything that nature was providing me I almost felt like I needed to pinch myself just to see if it was “real life.” Neither of us had ever been anywhere like the cenotes before. Being able to experience it for the first time together was a blessing in itself.”
“Not only did I fall in love with Shawn all over again, but I fell even deeper in love with life itself and the chance we have been given to live it.” – Summer

Del Sol: Shawn, talk us through the experience of coordinating a proposal from another country?
“I did my research and utilized reviews to the best of my abilities. When I ran into your studio and saw that there was nothing but positive reviews, I decided to take a chance.”
“Del Sol made it extremely easy and handled most of it for me! I put my trust in a company from another country and you absolutely exceeded my expectations!” – Shawn

Del Sol: How was your experience with the del Sol team?
“I don’t even know if we could ever put into words just how grateful and blessed we are to have had the Del Sol team to capture this moment. You guys made it beyond what we could’ve asked for.”
“Your kind hearts, knowledgeable spirits, and INCREDIBLY powerful positive vibes were something out of a fairytale. It’s very few and far between that you find someone purely passionate about their art and has every intention on utilizing it for the right reasons, and you both, Polly and Matt completely knocked it out of the park!” – Summer + Shawn

Del Sol: What would you say to another person considering proposing in Mexico?
“If you’re thinking about proposing in Mexico – Do it!!! Mexico has been a love of ours for a long time. We’ve always enjoyed everything about it and the natural beauty it has to offer. People have such a preconceived notion because of what you hear or see on TV when the reality is, we are all people just trying to make it in the world.”
“Travel more and worry less!!” – Summer + Shawn

Del Sol: We believe that the experiences we have in our life time make us the people we are… Do you think this cenote proposal experience counts as one of those moments that will mark you and your relationship forever?
“Absolutely yes! It was a huge milestone for us and has only solidified everything we have worked so hard to have in this relationship. It hasn’t been sunshine and rainbows but I can tell you one, it has been completely worth it. The experience in the cenote, the positive vibes you surrounded us with, and the absolutely pure beauty of nature was everything we could’ve asked for and more. This will forever be a part of lives and you both will have a special place in our hearts, FOREVER!”