Tag Archive for: fashion

Claudia Bo Designer – Fashion Shoot by Sol Tamargo
Commercial, Main, Other, PhotographersClaudia Bo Diseños con Arte - Claudia Bo Designer - San Miguel De Allende features the designs of the lovely Claudia Bo. Her custom-designed pieces are out of this world, gorgeous embroidery details honoring Mexican art and heritage with…

Playa del Carmen Swimwear Shoot
Commercial, Main, Other, Photographers Beach Sol Tamargo 3When Alysa contacted us about a Playa del Carmen swimwear shoot for her boutique, we knew it was a job for Sol! "Happy, Healthy and Sexy" is her mantra and that is what we found with Alysa, a great fit. The former model and nurse grew up on…

Commercial photography Riviera Maya – Hillberg & Berk Jewelry
Jewelry Designer, Main, Photographers, Portraits, Projects, Trash The Dress, Vendors Beach, Cenote Hillberg & Berk Sol TamargoDel Sol Photography was recently hired to do a commercial photography riviera maya underwater fashion shoot for a Canadian jewelry company, Hillberg & Berk. When they described the concept to us, we were thrilled to accept the assignment.…